Saturday, September 13, 2008

Classroom Lockdowns - Are You Prepared For The Worst?

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."
-Benjamin Franklin

Over 92% of school-based police officers believe that schools are a "soft target" for terrorist attacks, according to a 2004 National Association of School Resource Officers survey. The report also states "half of the respondents say that emergency plans for their schools are not adequate."

On April 20, 1999, the unthinkable happened at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. Two students, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, detonated home made bombs and opened fire on fellow students in the school's cafeteria. The two stalked the hallways and library armed with an arsenal of semi-automatic weapons and explosives. The killing spree took the lives of twelve students and a teacher and injured dozens more before they turned the guns on themselves, taking their own lives.

The Columbine school massacre marked a turning point for American schools. The rampage became one of the most publicized and recognized incidents of school violence in American history, jolting school officials across the country to evaluate school safety and preparedness issues.

The Columbine incident sparked a wave of school violence on campuses across America that continues until today...

School safety is a major issue in communities across America. While dealing with a human-caused attack may be more unsettling than a natural disaster such as a storm, tornado or an earthquake, it is imperative to be prepared for the worst.

In the event of an emergency, your school could be called upon to provide shelter, food, medical attention and guidance to students for extended periods of time beyond typical school hours. While dealing with the unspeakable and unimaginable may be frightening, the question must be asked: Are you prepared for the worst?

In many school districts it is becoming mandatory to have a lockdown kit for each classroom. A Classroom Lockdown Kit is the first step in emergency preparedness for a school.
In the unfortunate event of a natural disaster or attack, the Classroom Lockdown Kit provides everything you need should the unthinkable happen. Each fully customizable kit includes food, water, first aid kit, even a toilet to meet your students' sanitary needs.

There's no telling how long a lockdown will last. Without the proper survival tools your students can suffer further emotional trauma. With the Classroom Lockdown Kit, both you and your students will have peace of mind knowing that you are prepared for any shocking event. Don't get caught off guard!

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