Are You Disaster (Tornado, Cyclone, Earthquake) Ready?
How many of you out there are feeling the pain and distress of hearing how these tornadoes, cyclones, earthquakes and wildfires are destroying many people lives? What can you as an individual or group do about this? How can America support these victims of disasters? (Something to think about) I think we should have some type of Disaster Fund from one source that supports the victims, right away.
Businesses, Families and Individuals should be able to access these funds when needed. This fund should be available in all countries and cities at one local department or business; maybe non-profit organizations can make it available. Or what about funding it through the payroll system. What do you think? Remember these disasters, whether tornado, earthquake, cyclone or wildfires can put a financial strain on those who do not have insurance. If this fund is funded through the payroll system, can it be tax deductible at the end of the year. What about setting up this account through the website. With these recent events we should all support in some way.
In addition, are we listening to the warning coming right from the Weather Channel? The experts Steve Lyons, who is a Hurricane Specialist and Greg Forbes a Weather Specialist constantly from day to day give us updates on this channel. It is important to listen to these experts on a day-to-day basis before you walk out you front door. We should also invest in a weather radio if we live in tornado or earthquake zone.
Labels: Are You Disaster, Cyclone, Earthquake Ready, Tornado
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