Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What Should Be Included in a Doomsday Survival Guide?

Are you shopping around for a doomsday survival guide? Unfortunately many people are today. There are predictions that the world will end in 2012 and of course there are many other reasons to worry about what might be called a doomsday. The environment continues to be eroded every day, there is a proliferation of nuclear weapons around the world, and things like terrorism, crime, and economic collapse can make anyone think about their very survival. So what should you look for in a guide that is meant to help you survive these things?

A practical guide is one thing you should consider. It's not enough to just scream that the world is going end; a guide should tell you how to keep yourself safe and how to survive in the toughest of circumstances. It might include a checklist of items you should always have in the house such as bottled water, canned goods, a can opener, matches, candles, flashlights, fresh batteries, blankets, duct tape, plastic sheeting, basic medicines and first aid materials like bandages and rubbing alcohol, and so on.

Some guides even go so far so as to teach you how to grow your own food, whether in a soil garden or with hydroponics, which is a water based solution of food for plants. Your guide should never encourage you to do anything illegal or downright dangerous, such as tapping into a city's water supply or living in the hills away from society when you have no idea how to survive in such an environment. But a good doomsday survival guide will give you some practical pointers and advice for how to get through and make the best of any difficult situation.

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Where to Find All You Need to Know About 2012

Where can you find all you need to know about 2012, the year when supposedly the world or just society in general is going to crumble? Some say that according to Mayan calendars and predictions by Nostradamus and others, this year will be very significant and will be marked by collapses of different societies and social structures overall. Do you believe this? Would you like to find out more?

Of course no one can say absolutely what will happen in 2012, at least not until the year 2013, but sometimes it's better to be prepared than to be sorry! And of course people are always facing disasters and crises of one type or another, regardless of the year or predictions and prophecies.

To find out about 2012, of course you can consult the internet as it has a wealth of information about these predictions and how to survive any disaster. While you may at first be skeptical of making certain plans for yourself, remember that disaster preparedness is always a good idea no matter what. There's nothing wrong with finding out how to survive a terrorist attack, invading army, natural disaster, or anything else that are unfortunate parts of our world today. If you consider how what may happen in 2012 is already being foreshadowed by terrible and tragic events today, then you may realize how important it is to at least be informed, and then of course you can make up your own mind about appropriate action.

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Protect Your Personal Documents Against an Unexpected Emergency Disaster

Your personal documents may not survive an emergency disaster that comes unexpectedly. You may find that you don't have time to gather them up at the time of the disaster. No matter where you live, no one is immune from the possibility of become a victim of flood, fire, or earthquake.

Your priceless possessions, such as your family photos, baby pictures, wedding albums, scrapbooks and other keepsakes, are the irreplaceable documents that cannot be recovered.

Birth certificates, passports, insurance papers can eventually be restored to you but the headache of replacing them is time consuming and can be very costly.

The following are the items that you should protect.

1. Wills. In most cases you need the original for a will be legally binding. You should made several copies since no state or city office keeps a record of wills.

2. Trust documents

3. Birth and Death Certificates

4. Titles and Deeds

5. Licenses such as vehicle, professional, marriage etc.

6. Legal and financial documents

7. Business files

8. Personal and Family Records

9. Personal family photos and keepsakes

10. Account Numbers

11. Household inventory. This is a especially valuable in case of fire.

12. Key, jewelry

13. Cash. During a major emergency check and credit cards often are ineffective.

Placing your documents and valuables in a fire-proof, waterproof safe provides the best protection. However, if you can't afford a safe, make sure your personal documents are enclosed in heavy plastic, placed on a high shelf and the family is aware of its location.

Keeping copies of vital documents such as birth certificates and insurance papers and some cash should be kept with your 72 hours kit or in a location that is quickly accessible if you have to leave your home quickly.

Bottom Line: Advance preparation is your only insurance policy against disappointment and heartache. Make sure you protect your personal documents and valuables in the best manner you can afford.

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Disaster Risk Assessment - Your First Step in Your Emergency Preparedness Plans

The first step in preparing for a natural disaster is to make a disaster risk assessment. Being aware and informed about the type of disaster, both natural and man made, that is most likely to occur where you live will increase your survival.

The West and West Coast regions of the country are the most likely to have earthquakes. If you live in "Tornado Alley" which consists of Nebraska, Oklahoma, Kansas, South Dakota and Northern Texas, you are more prone to experience tornados and high winds than earthquakes.

The Southeast coast and the Gulf coast are the most susceptible to hurricanes. Florida is the most vulnerable state for hurricanes because it has two coastlines.

Even though high water can occur almost anywhere, low lying areas near the Mississippi and Missouri rivers are inclined to have frequent flooding. Also, flooding and mud side disasters can occur in all mountain areas because of heavy rainfall or early snow melt.

You can be forewarned of some natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tornados, flooding and fire, by being alerted via TV broadcasts, emergency radio, or the Internet. Perhaps in your community, you will receive a phone call or hear a special siren. Emergency workers have been known to go door-to-door in isolated areas to notify citizens of pending dangers.

Other natural disasters, such as earthquakes, and some fires are hard to predict.

Regions that are vulnerable to these types of crisis generally have emergency disaster centers that are equipped with disaster risk management information. All you need to do is ask.

Bottom Line: By making a disaster risk assessment and getting information from your local Emergency Disaster Center, you will reduce your survival risks substantially. Protect yourself and your family by becoming educated about your community vulnerability disaster risks.

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