Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fire Protection Systems Which Should Work at Sea and in Port

Following a serious fire which claimed the lives of three fishermen in Fraserburgh Harbour, the Marine Coastguard Agency have investigated the need for fire safety equipment to be as effective on boats when they are in harbour, as when they are at sea. Apparently, many smoke and fire alarms do not function as they should, whilst a boat is docked.

With this in mind, the Marine Coastguard Agency have been warning skipper owners that they should be more mindful of allowing people to sleep on boats, when the fire protection system may not be working as it should be. When the boats are at sea, there does not appear to be this problem. The alarms work as they should and do warn people of any danger through fire.

The two Filipinos and one Latvian died in the tragic fire, because the fire protection equipment, which had been fitted, failed to warn them as the fire swept through their living quarters. The Marine Coastguard Agency believed that these deaths may have been avoided if the men had been warned through the smoke alarm going off.

Clearly, fire protection equipment needs to be effective whilst a boat is in harbour. The boat could be equipped with ordinary, battery operated smoke alarms which would provide a suitable warning if a fire were to break out. Automatic fire extinguishers are ideal for use on boats. They are particularly effective in unsupervised areas where there may be an increased risk of fire. One such example on a boat, would be the engine room or compartment.

Once the temperature reaches 79 degrees Celsius and over, the automatic fire extinguisher is activated and will release a powder to put out the fire. This type of fire extinguisher would provide ideal fire protection equipment for a boat. Within the living quarters on the boat, ordinary fire extinguishers should be fitted and fire blankets can be just as useful to have handy.

Whilst the Marine Coastguard Agency continues to investigate this matter, skipper owners will have to ensure that they are far more careful about the fire safety protection that would be available to anybody that they are allowing to sleep on their boat. The installation of smoke alarms that will work effectively, whilst the boat is not at sea, would seem to be a very sensible suggestion. They should also make other fire safety equipment available, like fire extinguishers and fire blankets, for example.

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Fire Prevention Tips For the Holidays

During the holidays, all too often in our rush to get everything done to make the season special we overlook some of the basic safety precautions necessary to make everything magical. Home fires is one of the leading causes of holiday disasters and these fires are more often than not, completely preventable. Rapid Refile, LLC, a document restoration and disaster recovery service, has put together a very helpful fire prevention guide for home owners to follow this holiday season to ensure a safe and disaster-free celebration.

The following is some of the recommendations they have compiled (see full article for references):

Christmas Tree Safety and Fire Prevention:
• Keep trees securely upright in a stand to ensure that it will not accidentally tip over or be knocked over by children or pets.
• Keep your tree away from any and all heat sources.
• Make sure natural trees are well watered.
• If you have purchased an artificial tree, please make sure it is labeled "fire retardant".
• Unplug the tree lights before leaving your home or before going to bed.
• Avoid using real candles on a tree. Real Christmas trees contain natural oils that are very flammable, especially if the tree is dry.
• Use a maximum of three strands of tree lights on a single extension cord.

Holiday Lighting Safety:
• Unplug any lighting, indoor and out, before going to bed.
• Never leave any candles unattended.
• Avoid using live candles with a flame on windowsills and mantles.
• Do not let pets or children chew on strands of lights.
• Make sure the cords used for lights and other decorations are not frayed.
• Do not run electrical wires under rugs.
• Make sure all candles are in sturdy holders that will not tip over and are placed away from furniture and other home accessories.
• Trim candle wicks to a ¼-inch in height.

Fireplace & Woodstove Fire Prevention:
• Have a professional inspect your fireplace annually.
• Inspect your stove or fireplace for any cracks regularly.
• Always use a screen in front of your fireplace while it is burning.
• Do not burn your Christmas tree, wreaths, or leftover wrapping paper in a fireplace or stove.

Additional Fire Prevention and Fire Safety Tips:
• Exercise caution if using a space heater in a bedroom. Never place a heater next to a bed, as blankets could ignite. Place the heater in a place where a sleepy person getting up in the middle of the night will not trip over it.
• Keep fire extinguishers handy on every level of your home in a place where they can be easily accessed. Keep an extinguisher in your kitchen and by any fireplaces or stoves.

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