Sunday, August 16, 2009

Your Medical Library

If we have to evacuate our homes and live in a bug out environment for a period of time it is very unlikely that we will have the luxury of our usual medical professionals. As such it will be entirely our own responsibility to respond to any sort of medical emergency that may arise. The question I would like to pose to you is are your up to that?

Initially any survivalist should have a vast library for which to fall back upon in the event that they encounter a situation that exceeds their knowledge. This is particularly important when it comes to the medical field. I have taken the liberty of listing a few medical related books to provide you a start in this category. This is merely a beginning and you should expand on it whenever you are able to.

One of the most important books you can have in your collection is entitles "Where there is no doctor" and of course its companion "Where there is no dentist". These are a couple of critical books for the survivalist. Several other good books that you should have around are listed below:

* Where Women Have No Doctor
* A Book for Midwives
* A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities

I always keep one of the American Red Cross First Aid handbooks in my bug out equipment. In addition you can find many great books available from the federal government. Since I use nothing but digital copies of everything I also have included several Army manuals dealing with medical emergencies such as "Emergency War Surgery".

Let's face it, you can have a room full of medical books but if you lack the basic understand related to them then they simply do you no good what so ever. Therefore, in addition to the books you need to obtain as much medical education as you can. At a minimum you should be qualified in First Aid and CPR. When visiting your family doctor ask questions. If you are currently studying something relating to medicine and come to a road block merely ask him. I am certain he will be more then willing to answer your request.

In addition to your conventional medical books and supplies don't underestimate the alternative treatments as well. Herbs provide many possible remedies for both the common illnesses as well as the not so common. Keep your supplies readily available with access so you may act at an instants notice. Keep in mind that a few natural remedy textbooks would not hurt in the least. Another vital alternative that I always keep close at hand it my colloidal silver maker. Without it I would be lost.

I will not go into the necessary medical supplies at this time but it would be vital for your survival if you had a good selection of supplies readily at hand. I have the usual bandages, tape and the like as well as oxygen tanks, nubulizers and electronic pain machines. Planning ahead may save your life or someone you love.


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