Tornado - What Could I Have Done?
Surviving a Tornado
Cows are flying by, there is a witch on a broom cackling at you and you can see Dorothy's house being flung through the air, Yes, you're in the middle of a tornado! Now how do you get out alive?
Planning, planning, planning. It is the most important key in any harmful situation. Of course we want you to of planned an escape plan BEFORE the situation strikes so let's start there. As with any survival tactic sit down and make a plan with your family of general things you all will need to remember if the time comes to do so. Where will you meet up if you are all out and about? The ideal place is the spot you plan to take shelter to avoid the tornado. Basements, cellars and anywhere underground is usually the best place to seek safety. However, if you don't have underground accommodations finding a place that is farthest away from any windows and the outside is the best idea, such as a hallway or bathroom. If you've read the article on how to prepare for any natural disaster you should be well prepared for a tornado. Make a kit that contains things like canned food, fresh water, first aid, batteries, flashlights and a battery operated radio for an optimum survival rate.
If there is time shut off the utilities in your home. If the tornado decided to claim your home you can avoid further harm to you or your family if that gas line is shut off! For insurance purposes take a video of your home in pretty good detail. Jewelry, electronics, upgrades, anything that will help you get your claims correct heaven forbid your home be claimed in a storm. Also, if that should happen and if you're able to, take pictures and / or video of the damage done to your home or land for these same purposes.
Know the area you live in and know it well. When you are in a basement listening to a radio the chances are they will talk about areas around your home and the better knowledge you have of the area, or state, you live in the better chances you have of being better informed. Staying calm and knowing when to leave the home for safe shelter will play a bigger role then you think in your survival. If when you look up the skies are black and the wind is picking up that is usually a great indication you should get underground as soon as possible!
When the tornado strikes and if you're able to find a piece of heavy furniture to crawl under. You can use various cushions or bedding to protect your skin from getting scathed. Make sure your head and neck are protected if not anything else. Never go outside to check to see if the tornado is over. Keep a good listen to your battery powered radio for any updates. When they say the coast is clear, cautiously move for the exit. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for injured people and if you're able to assist in first aid. I'm hoping you have shoes on, but if you don't, and even if you do, keep an eye out for broken glass, and metal and any other debris scattered about the area. You've survived the worst part so let's not get hurt being clumsy!
DO not think that you can out run a tornado in a car. You can't! Your best bet is to seek shelter in a low level building. Winds can easily go above 300 miles per hour which means clinging for life to a tree will be pointless when the tree ends up being sucked into the tornado! Keep your family close and a plan in mind if this horrible act of mother nature strikes. Stay alert and you'll stay alive!
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Labels: Tornado, What Could I Have Done
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