Monday, September 1, 2008

Emergency Planning Basics

No one really knows when or how the next emergency will occur but we can all take steps to help be prepared if it does happen. Making a plan and having an emergency supply kit made up could mean the difference between making it or not. At the very least it will help make the best out of a terrible situation.

Things you should have in your emergency supply kit

Water - 1 gallon per person per day for at least 3 days

Food - 3 day supply of non perishable foods. Canned meats, fruits and vegetables. Protein or fruit bars, dry cereal, peanut butter, dried fruit, nuts, non salted crackers, canned juices, non-perishable pasteurized milk, high energy foods, vitamins, comfort foods. Infant food if needed.

Flashlight - have extra batteries, light sticks are nice to have too

Whistle - In case you need to signal for help

Battery powered Radio - Also a NOAA Weather radio with a tone alert and extra batteries for both.

Cell Phone - Could also think about having a hand powered generator for it

Dusk Mask - also plastic sheeting and duct tape in case you need to build a shelter from contaminated air.

Moist Towelettes - also garbage bags with plastic ties for your personal sanitation needs.

Wrench or Pliers - Needed to turn of all your utilities

Can Opener

Local maps

Warm Blanket - or sleeping bag for each person

Kids activity supplies - Books, games, coloring books and crayons etc.

Paper and pencil

Matches - Keep in waterproof container

Complete change of clothing for everyone

Cash - Traveler checks and change

Pet Food - extra water for your pets

Household chlorine bleach & medicine dropper - you can use if for a disinfectant by using 9 parts water and 1 part bleach. Or to treat water by using 16 drops of bleach per gallon. Do NOT use scented, added cleaners or color safe bleach.

Fire extinguisher

Feminine & personal hygiene items

Paper towels - paper plates & cups, plastic silverware

Important family documents - keep in waterproof portable container.

Ax - In case you have to try and break through something like the roof.

Things to include in your First Aid Kit

2 pairs of sterile or latex gloves

Sterile dressings

Antibiotic towelettes to disinfect

Antibiotic ointment to help prevent infection

Burn ointment to help prevent infection

Adhesive bandages in different sizes

Eye wash solution to flush eyes or as decontaminant


Prescribed medical supplies like glucose

Prescribed medications

Aspirin or pain relievers, antacids, laxatives, Anti-diarrhea medication

Scissors, tweezers and petroleum jelly

First aid book

Family Plan

Have a plan and make sure everyone knows exactly what they need to do and practice the plan. Everyone should know escape routes and exactly where to go to the shelter in your house. Also have a plan if you are separated during the emergency so everyone knows what to do to get back together. Have a long distant phone number that everyone can call to check in because sometimes it is hard to get through to local numbers.

Being Prepared

By thinking about what to do, practicing your plan so it comes natural in a real emergency and having supplies on hand will help make a stressful situation a little more bearable. One never knows when it could happen so just be prepared.



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